The Spiritual Path of the Iconographer

spiritual path of the Iconographer
Spiritual path of the Iconographer

Ask less of the teacher and look more into yourself. Iconography is a way of ascension. Icon writing is a journey, a return to paradise. Revelation cannot be taught or learned, it is instantaneous, it happens in one moment and the mind instantly knows. A teacher can point the way, he can show you the sign posts on the journey; but it is up to you to get up, take up your cross, and step out on the way.

The Path of the Iconographer is a Spiritual One

The purpose of painting icons is not just to create a finished product on the board, but to reveal the icon within you. Iconography is a spiritual art, a Transfiguration, a party from darkness to light.

The Iconographer does not first and foremost seek to create a physical icon, but rather a spiritual icon. The Iconographer is on a spiritual journey to develop the icon within; the Iconographer strives to be recreated into the likeness of God.

This path requires discipline: prayer, scripture reading, meditation, contemplation, fasting, and nepsis (watchfulness). The Iconographer must be fully awake and fully present.

Iconography is not simply another art form or style, it is a spiritual path to awakening the divine within. It is this spiritual awakening that we strive for with the painting of every new icon.

Learn mire about the spiritual path of the Iconographer

To learn more about how to begin your sacred and spiritual journey of awakening through the art of Byzantine Iconography, call today: 908-304-5541. Or visit our icon painting class page to learn more about Iconography classes in New Jersey with award winning artist and priest, Vas Avramidis.

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