Apologetics Bootcamp
Ask the BIG Questions!
This boot camp will help you discover not just what you believe, but WHY you believe it.
Apologetics Boot Camp Topics:
- Can the Bible be Trusted – Historical and Manuscript Evidence
- Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Evidence for the Ressurection
- A Case for Truth – Is Truth Absolute? And Why Does that Matter?
- Morality and Ethics – Why Can’t I Just do What I Want?
- Why Jesus over the other gods?
- A Look at Alternative Worlviews: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Humanism.
- Science and the Bible
- Fine Tuning: Why the Universe Appears to be Designed
- Tough Questions: Slavery, Sexism, and Genocide in the Bible
- Why does God Allow Suffering and Evil
- Heaven and Hell

Get More Information About the Apologetics Boot Camp
This Apologetics Boot Camp will meet at your location over the span of five full-day sessions or ten half-day sessions. To discuss the details about booking anĀ Apologetics Boot CampĀ at your facility, call Vas Avramidis at: 908-304-5541 or fill out the form below.